Terms and Conditions

Bourke Consulting will be referred to as “Bourke Consulting” or the “Company” in the following Terms and Conditions.

Any contract or business entered by Bourke Consulting with any other party will be referred to as the “Customer” or “Client” in this document and is subject to the terms and conditions laid out within.

All orders and commissions for services will be taken as an offer by the Customer to purchase and will be subject to these terms and conditions.  Orders and commissions will be agreed in writing in the form of email, contract or letter.

Customer’s Obligations

The Customer will be required to make available information to facilitate Bourke Consulting carrying out the service required- this information will be provided in a timely manner and will not be disclosed to any third parties by Bourke Consulting without prior permission from the Customer.  

Bourke Consulting will not be responsible for any delays incurred due to late provision of required information from the Client.

Payment & Pricing Terms

·         Depending on the nature of the service a non-refundable payment of 50% of the total cost of the required service will be payable by the Customer on confirmation of their acceptance of the service offered by the Company and prior to work commencement. For example, recruitment or headhunting services. 

·         The remaining 50% will be due on completion of the service (definition of completion of service: completion of service is when the physical work is completed and not when results are seen). This is with the exception of onsite work where full payment will be required 30 days from receipt of invoice.

·         VAT to be included on all costs which shall be due at the rate ruling on the date of VAT invoice.

·         All quotes are valid until the date published in quotation and upon placing your order you are deemed to have entered into a contract with Bourke Consulting  and to have accepted our terms and conditions and the rates and fees as set out on the relevant quote and/or invoice.  See comments above with respect to acceptance.

·         The Company reserves the right to charge extra for additional work services provided.  Additional work will be charged at a rate of €125 plus VAT per hour and will include any additional work not outlined in the initial quote.

·         No party shall be liable for any default due to any act of God, telecommunications delays, shortages or outages, war, civil disturbance, malicious damage, strike, lockout, industrial action, fire, flood, drought, extreme weather conditions, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation direction or other circumstance beyond the reasonable control of either party (“Force Majeure Event”).


The contract between the Company and the Client of which these Conditions form part shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Ireland and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts.

Disclaimer – Website Content

Bourke Consulting will make every effort to present accurate and reliable information on our website and any social or business networking page/account or blog managed by Bourke Consulting, but cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Third Party Products, Software and Partners

Bourke Consulting cannot offer any guarantees or accept liability for any third-party products or services it uses, endorses or recommends.   Endorsements or recommendations will be made based on Bourke Consulting’s own experience with the service, products or software and cannot accept liability for any issues or breakages which may arise directly or indirectly as a result of using these services, products or software packages.

Bourke Consulting reserve the right to edit and change these terms and conditions without prior notice.